Look in readme file for more details regarding these. Its gonna be a while before we see any meaningful TTYD ROM hacks. The fourth category includes some miscellaneous additions that didn’t quite fit in the other mods. Modding tools for The Thousand-Year Door are still in their infancy, and the actual process of making a full-length Paper Mario game would take several years for a small team of amateur devs. Any enemies or items whose designs have noticeably changed since Thousand-Year Door’s release have been tweaked to more closely resemble their current counterparts. The second category contains de-localizations – any major elements that were changed between the Japanese and English releases have been reverted.
The default, bare-bones mod only makes basic fixes – mostly oversights from the localization team.
The modifications can be broken up into four categories, all of which are fully customizable – you can mix-and-match them as you like. This hack makes a bevvy of script and texture changes to Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. PS Can someone please give me a singular example of sexual content in TTYD+? Because I cannot for the life of me find anything in the readme, nor can I remember anything sexual from my multiple playthroughs of this romhack.The Thousand-Year Door hack (Thousand-Year Door+), is now available for download! This mod tweaks dialogue and textures throughout the game to bring things closer to the Japanese release, fixes various oversights from the English localization, and much more! Doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, just a nice bit of polish to an already great game. Regardless, I stand by my previous statements, and I truly believe it's a great hack. Not trying to start anything, just figured I'd take a look at the reviews and wow. I looked at the megathread, but that one is only 1.1 GB.
Sorry if I misinterpreted your comment there, Gullible-Dinner. Hi Yall Any chance anyone knows where to get an iso that is a '1.35 GB NTSC' iso I wanted to play the TTYD+ hack I found and it calls for that specific iso and file size.
though I'm not entirely sure if you and I would agree with exactly what is repulsive about them. The two latest reviews are repulsive, indeed.
It is the second game in the Paper Mario series (Paper Mario for the N64 and Super Paper Mario for the Wii) and is considered to be the best in the series. I can sum up my response by saying one line: How many younger players are actually going to find this romhack and play it? Furthermore, thepatrickinator also claims that it was only dialogue that was changed but a very brief read through the readme proves that far more was changed, so his entire point is moot. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is a RPG that was created by Intelligent Systems and was released in North America on October 11, 2004. The second review, written by thepatrickinator basically is a broken record.
SiegfriedIII's review focuses almost entirely on Vivian's original setting being that of a non-binary, going so far as to call her "a crossdressing, sexual deviant." this is straight up closed mindedness, and that one sentence honestly made me write off the entire review as having been written by someone with no respect for non binaries (full disclosure, I myself am non-binary, hence my immediate dismissal of that review) Started my second TTYD playthrough with this mod a few days ago, combined with the widescreen hack, it really makes it look like it could be an official remaster.